Dennis van Vreden

Rotterdam (NL)



Dennis van Vreden is an artist mainly focused on queer performance and representation. After finishing a Master degree in lens-based media at the Piet Zwart Institute, he started engaging in durational performances. These are derived from popular culture and deal with feminist and queer aspects of the body and their fascist opposition. This has translated to many hours of continuous dancing to Beyoncé in places like Foam Amsterdam, ki Beyoncé, Mysteryland festival, American Apparel Antwerp, V2, WORM, Showroom MAMA, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Vrankrijk, Arti et Amicitiae, GROUNDS, Luxor Arnhem, The Performance Bar, Motel Mozaique Festival, Roodkapje Rotterdam and many others.

Most recently Dennis has been doing festival performances with collectives like Non De Gene and Club K. While his latest work was a 3 hour performance of continuously singing Cher’s Strong Enough with Lianne Rueb. Dennis also started a new radioshow called “A Little Less Ribbon Dancing, A Little More Talking” that debuted at Operator Radio in Rotterdam. The show, accompanied by poetry readings and music, talks about problematics within the Netherlands surrounding Pride, queer visibility, inclusivity, battles the rise of homonationalism.



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